Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Tip The Hand

I sat and stared at this parchment for many hours, quill perched and ready but unable to inscribe these words. It is only fitting now in darkness, in shame, in this silent place that I may record what ultimately must be recorded. I have made a bargain...Loa forgive me I have made a bargain against my soul itself. I traded my son for the life of another, and restored peace to my a cost I may never truly fathom. I pray that with time my mind may become dull, that with the stains of time my memories may fade, and I may forget what I have done, but as I sit in the darkness my sins return to me and weigh about my brow like a crown of iron nails whose spikes cut very deep.

"The man who holds life in hand, carries death in his pocket"
Keeper Kha'Jur'Guul